Resources for Japanese studies for everyone!: improve accessibility for visually impaired users project (2019)

Yokota-Carter, Keiko

University of Michigan Library is "committed to providing equal access to information and services for all students, faculty, and staff members. We aim to provide an equitable experience for individuals with disabilities by following accessibility standards, responding to user feedback, and providing support and accommodations."
This presentation is a progress report of the project of increasing accessibility to Japanese studies materials in the Library’s Digital Collections for inclusive users.

The Kirishitan-ban and the Japan-Europe cultural interchange (2019)

Yasue, Akio

In 1590, Jesuit missionary Alessandro Valignano introduced the Western printing technology to Japan with which the Kirishitan-ban or the Jesuit press publication was issued as the first movable metal type printing there. Several tens of tittles were published from 1591 until the promulgation of the edict of 1614 against professing Christianity.
Although the Kirishitan-ban itself is the outcome of the Japan-Europe relation, several important cultural interchanges between them have progressed since then with it.

Digitalization of pre-modern Japanese historical material by Historiographical Institute The University of Tokyo (2019)

Yamada, Taizo

Historiographical Institute the University of Tokyo, ‘HI’ for short, has been investigating historical materials concerning pre-modern Japanese history. In the process, we have been making and managing metadata as the results and shooting the materials. Recently, we have been digitizing of the historical materials based on the results so that the data can be used at long-term preservation and utilization of them. In the paper, we report on the approach and the efforts.

Japanese studies resources at University College Cork (Ireland) (2019)

Weingärtner, Till

The Department of Asian Studies at University College Cork is the only department dedicated to Asian Studies as an academic discipline on the entire island of Ireland.  Its staff engages in a broad variety of research relating to various aspects of societies, cultures, business, languages and the arts across the wider Asian region, with a particular focus on China, Korea and Japan. It is unique in Ireland, providing the only BA and MA Degrees in Asian Studies, as well as the only department offering Chinese, Korean and Japanese language education at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. A first permanent post for Japanese Studies was set up first in 2014.

Case study of Japanese special collection at Université Catolique de Louvain and working group’s new website (2019)

Vilcot, Emilie
Hirano, Akira

In the year of Japanese Imperial transition, explaining the imperial connection with the history of the Japanese collection at the Université Catolique de Louvain. This session will also unveil the current in-house digitalisation project of the collection in order to preserve the precious items.
Introducing the Working Group new website, which is on EAJRS’s site.

NII-workshop (2019)

Ueno, Tomoki
Hirano, Akira
Kamiya, Nobutake

1. 2020年のNACSIS-CAT/ILL軽量化・合理化にともなう、欧州参加館への影響について。特に変更に伴う、欧州参加館にとって利点や負担軽減について。
2. 2022年の新システムへの移行について。とりわけ、新システムでの電子リソースの情報提供がどのようになるのかについて。
3. CiNiiの海外からの利用状況についての統計的分析について。
4. CAT2020を試用したフィードバックへのコメント。
5. NIIの組織全体としての展望について。

Design and implementation of Wokototen Database and Search System (2019)

Tsutsumi, Tomoaki

In this paper, we report about prototype of database and search system of Wokototenzu. Wokototen is a gloss when reading the Chinese classics to understand the reader's mother tongue. The one which gathered this Wokototen in one every used documents and school is called Wokototenzu. The purpose of this research is to prepare an environmental for Kunten researcher to be processing and data are shared on the computer.

A study of Japanese Nanga painting collections at the British Museum and the Ashmolean Museum and its potential contribution to Japanese painting resources (2019)

Tsunoda, Makiko

This presentation will re-think the current Japanese painting resources at the British Museum and the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, as part of a survey conducted in preparation for my forthcoming PhD. My PhD project will compare Japanese Nanga paintings with the Chinese paintings that influenced them using art historical studies and scientific analysis of the materials and media. The British Museum and the Ashmolean together have the largest collections of Nanga paintings in the UK.

Rethinking resources for Japanese studies: using realia in research papers (2019)

Troost, Kristina

Students are increasingly being required to use primary sources in their research, but not all students have enough skill in Japanese to use Japanese language materials.  Primary sources in English, although they are increasing, are not abundant. Nor does every university have major art or print collections.  This paper proposes to examine a number of examples of materials students in Art History have used in conjunction with secondary literature.  While traditionally students did such projects as comparing photographs found in books and using the extensive secondary literature in English to analyze their findings, this paper will focus on an assignment using realia (physical objects) found in the library and on campus.

Surveys of historical paper materials for conserving original resources and their conservation methods (2019)

Takashima, Akihiko
Shibutani, Ayako

This paper  examines the survey results of historical paper materials and their methods for conserving original resources at the Historiographical Institute of the University of Tokyo.
At the University of Tokyo, original resources are mainly treated as book collections at libraries including the general library, faculties' library, and institutes' libraries, and categorised as valuable books or originals. These resources have been used for education and research materials and shown as cultural properties from the viewpoint of their scarcity value. In so doing, they are now required to manage new conservations and surveys. In any conservation survey microscopic observations are usually conducted. In the preliminary studies a small mobile microscope with 100 times magnification was used for examining the thickness and density of fibres, the existence and quantity of additives, and the conditions of other materials. These surveys are essentially non-destructive, and presented new standard for distinguishing paper materials accurately. In recent years, USB digital cameras for microscopy and lenses of megapixel cameras have rapidly been upgraded, and researchers are able to gain distortion-free and high-definition images easily.
