Documents of Japanese Colonial Administration as a source of Study of Japanese Colonial Governance in Korea (1910-1945) (2021)

Ovchinnikova, Liubov

Dr. L. Ovchinnikova has been conducting research of Japanese and Korean colonial history, particularly Japanese governance and situation in Korea. Her presentation is devoted to documents of Japanese colonial administration in Korea.  Being editions for official use, these books were published in Japanese (Bungo) in Seoul by the Japanese Governor-general’s Office in the 20-s, 30-s and early 40-s. Compiled for practical purposes, these documents were used by senior Japanese colonial officials. Dr. Ovchinnikova was lucky enough to have a chance to work with these documents in a private library of a family of former Russian diplomats working at the Russian Consulate in Seoul in the late 30-s and the 40-s. Conducting research, she has analyzed important data found in these Japanese books and proved the necessity of using them as a source of scientific research of Japanese governance in Korea.

"Zoku Honchō Ōjōden" as a source on the history of Pure Land Buddhism (2021)

Petrova, Anastasia

The presentation will discuss "Zoku Honchō ōjōden" ("Continuation of the biographies of Japanese reborn into the Pure Land“), composed in 1101-1111 by Ōe-no Masafusa as a sequel to “Nihon ōjō gokurakki” (“Japanese Accounts of Rebirth into the Pure Land”) by Yoshishige-no Yasutane. This text contains 42 biographies of people who were believed to attain rebirth in the Pure Land. Problems to be analysed include a view of the Pure Land practices presented in this texts; similarities and differences between "Zoku Honchō ōjōden" and "Nihon ōjō gokurakki"

Sources of acquisition of the Japanese Collection in the National Library of Russia (2021)

Philippov, Evgenii

The presentation introduces the history of the formation of the Japanese collection in the Russian National Library. It is represented in various departments: there are Japanese materials in Print Department, Manuscripts Department, Rare Books Department, Maps Department and even in the main book collection in Russian language. However, the most of Japanese literature hold in Japanese fund of Department of Asian and African Countries Literature and we focused on it. Briefly presenting the history of the collection and the department, research the history of the acquisition and formation of the Japanese fund.

An analysis of the diplomatic aspect of the missionary and pastoral activities of the Basque Bishop of Guam during his forced stay in Japan (1942-1943) (2021)

Nagase, Yumi

In this study, we do a qualitative analysis of the diplomatic aspect of the missionary and pastoral activities which the Bishop of Guam, Miguel Angel Olano y Urteaga, Basque Capuchin from Navarra, Spain, developed from 1942 to 1943 in Japan. Olano was brought from Guam, his vicariate, practically as a prisoner, to Japan. At that time, period of the Second World War, Guam was an American military base taken by the Japanese troops. The source that we analyze is a Chronicle written by this Bishop Olano during his exile in Japan in the above-mentioned period.

Long-term Utilisation, Data Sharing, and Linking for Multifaceted Approach in Japanese History (2021)

Shibutani, Ayako
Yamada, Taizo
Nakamura, Satoru
Hirasawa, Kanako
Yamada, Toshiyuki
Watanabe, Yoichiro
Ohmukai, Ikki

The Historiographical Institute (HI) of the University of Tokyo has been collecting historical materials and creating a database of systematically organised material information and research results. It also aims to establish an infrastructure for data sharing on Japanese history to enhance the long-term preservation and utilisation of data archives. Currently, HI is also fostering information environments to promote the sharing and utilisation of humanities research data through the ‘Program for Constructing Data Infrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences’. In this study, we illustrate these approaches.

Construction and linkage of historical place-name data of Japan (2021)

Sekino, Tatsuki
Hara, Shoichiro

Place-names are necessary tools to specify a geographic position. As geographic information systems (GIS) have become popular in recent years, geocoding that links a place-name with its latitude and longitude is essential. In Japan, some research organizations and companies have provided geocoding services (e.g., Center for Spatial Information Science, The University of Tokyo). Overseas, GeoNames is a remarkable service that provides information about place-names around the world. However, these services provide only contemporary place-names and are not applicable to place-names in historical documents. To solve this issue, we have constructed a historical gazetteer data of Japan.

Researching with online images and in libraries (2021)

Fujimura, Ryōko
Yamamoto, Kazuaki

As of March 2021, 186,000 pre-modern Japanese texts, that is, 22 million images in total, have been digitized and made available online on the "Database of Pre-Modern Japanese Works" launched by the NIJL-NW project at the National Institute of Japanese Literature (NIJL). The massive release of images will likely revolutionize the way we study pre-modern Japanese texts. Will research using digital images replace research that is conducted by visiting libraries and accessing physical collections? In fact, while there is much that digital images enable us to do, there are also things that we can research only by browsing in the library.

NCC’s Comprehensive Digitization and Discoverability Program (CDDP) task force produces a new video series on cutting-edge digital projects, tools, and resources (2021)

Marra, Toshie
Murphy Kao, Regan

In this presentation, CDDP task force co-Chairs will present a behind-the-scenes view of the making of this series, how to use it for research and instruction, and what the CDDP’s next steps will be. These resources align with NCC’s mission to prepare a new generation of Japanese studies librarians, scholars, and information specialists to meet the growing challenges and rapidly changing technologies of the field. 

Shopping books in Edo (2021)

Flache, Ursula

In the year 2021 we celebrate 160 years of German-Japanese relations. On behalf of Prussia an expedition lead by the Count Friedrich zu Eulenburg arrived in Japan in September 1860. It took five months of negotiations until the so called “Treaty of Amity and Commerce” between Prussia and Japan was finally signed on 24th January 1861. Between the official meetings the members of the expedition had a considerable amount of free time that they spent with exploring Edo and its surroundings. In the official report about the expedition extended passages concerning shopping, book stores and Japanese reading habits are to be found.
