The Case of Maps of Japan by Daikokuya Kōdayū (1751 – 1828) (2021)

Simonova-Gudzenko, Ekaterina

In the paper we investigate the set of maps by Daikokuya Kōdayū. The maps are studied in their historical context, but it will not be a new study of the history of Daikokuya Kōdayū and the Russian-Japanese relation in the end of the 18th century, illustrated by maps. Instead, we propose a systematic quantitative analysis of the set of maps. 

Conservation / restoration of book collection (Materiality of books collections) (2021)

Barros, Elisa

This presentation aims to share our practice using papiers and Japanese’s techniques to conserve and to restore library book collections, their materiality. Japanese papers and techniques are now widely used as preservation practices and as archival material around the world. They help extend the life of library artifacts. These papers added to the original materials prolonging the life of these documents.

Japanese language collection of literature in the All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature (2021)

Asadova, Ekaterina

This analysis serves the purpose of informing Japanese resource specialists of a Japanese language collection of literature in the All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature which is considered to be one of the most prominent and valuable libraries in Russia. 

The library and reading history in Russia and Japan in 19th Century (2021)

Firsova, Varvara

In the 19th century Japan and Russia were facing many political and cultural changes: the restoration of imperial rule in Japan and the abolition of serfdom in Russia in the 60s of the 19th century. These events greatly influenced further development of libraries and reading. This paper analyzes the following aspects:
1. Appearance of first public libraries in Russia and Japan.
2. Development of private libraries in two countries.
3. Consideration of readers and published literature in the context of social and cultural situations in two countries.

Researching the Collection and Utilization of Overseas Japan-related Historical Sources (2021)

Hōya, Tōru

In 1888, the Imperial University (present-day The University of Tokyo) history instructor Ludwig Riess (1861–1928) submitted an opinion statement to the university which stated, “In the national archives of the Netherlands at The Hague, there are many precious sources relating to Japanese history.” This led to the University subsequently engaging in the first ever overseas survey of Japan-related historical sources. In the 1920s, the Japan Academy began a Union Académique Internationale (UAI) overseas Japan-related historical sources survey project. In 1954, it was taken over by the Historiographical Institute.
In this report, I will cover this research project’s progress and ultimate aims, as well as discuss the results of an on-going historical sources survey and joint research in Russia.

Japan Related Materials in the State Archive of Russian Federation (GARF) (2021)

Mikhailova, Yulia

In this presentation I would like to attract your attention to materials housed in GARF (State Archive of Russian Federation). The archive was created in 1992. Japan related materials may be found in the following depositories: Soviet-Japan and Japan-Soviet Friendship Societies, Soviet Committee for Peace, Soviet Committee for Solidarity with Asian and African Countries and materials of International Conferences for Prohibition of Nuclear and Hydrogen Weapons. So far this archive materials were used by some Russian and American scholars for the study of Soviet Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries in the interwar period, but postwar materials have not been much used, though they contain some useful information on how Japan and the Soviet Union perceived each other.

A study on the Chinese books of Léon de Rosny’s antique collection (2019)

Machi Senjuro

The author visited the Lille City Library to research on Japanese and Chinese classics. These books were part of the collection found in storage belonging to Léon-Louis-Lucien Prunol de Rosny (1837-1914), professor of the first Japanese language course in France. Rosny is known as a pioneer of Japanese Studies in Europe, though his efforts are not fully appreciated in modern day. 
Prof. Peter Kornicki published the catalog of Japanese Classics of  Léon de Rosny’s collection (1994); as the collection gained some renown it became clear that Rosny's Japanese book collection and the Japanese teaching materials compiled by  Léon de Rosny are closely related.
In addition to the Japanese books, Rosny’s collection included over 500 Chinese books, gifted to him by his teacher Stanislas Julien (1797-1873). Furthermore, it is believed that some books from Julien's teacher, Jean-Pierre Abel-Rémusat (1788-1832), are also included, and should be valued as part of academic history. However, the catalog of Chinese books has not been published, and has not yet not been widely recognized.

Bulgarian state archives: source of studying modern Japanese history (2019)

Kandilarov, Evgeniy

The very first archival documents related to Japan and modern Japanese development dates over a hundred years ago and is related to the very beginning of the establishment of the Modern Bulgarian State after the liberation from the Ottoman Empire which coincides with the Meiji period in Japan. Though different archival sources in Bulgarian archives we can take a look into the diplomatic and military activities of Japan from that time and to analyze its relations with the Great powers as well as the specific interest of the Japanese government to the so called Eastern question on the Balkans representing a complex of political interests of both the newly established Balkan states and the Great Powers competing for a greater influence in this region. Two main aspects of the Japanese modern history from that time can be explored through Bulgarian archives. The first one is related to the wars that Japan fights against China and after that against Russian Empire. The other issue is related to the rapid Japanese economic and industrial development which impresses Bulgarians to a great extent. 

Resources on Shibusawa Eiichi (2019)

Wakasa, Masatoshi

Shibusawa Eiichi is said to have been involved in as many as 500 companies and 600 organizations, but given the large scope it is difficult to gain a clear picture of his involvements. In an attempt to partially alleviate this, our foundation complied and digitized the “Name Change Charts of Companies and Organizations Related to Shibusawa Eiichi.” This digital resource is divided by industry such as “Finance” or “Education” and provides a visual representation of the development of companies and organizations related to Shibusawa Eiichi through their name changes.
In my presentation I will use the “Name Change Charts,” as a tool to look at Eiichi’s business and other involvements and thereby think about his significance to the field of Japanese studies.
