Shinto studies in Russia: translated texts and academic literature (2019)

Fedianina, Vladlena

The research traces the history of Shinto studies in Russia in 20th and 21st cc. to point out Shinto texts in Russian translation and scientific literature about Shinto written in Russian. These translated sources and academic literature contribute greatly to the integration of Shinto studies in broader context of religious studies in Russia.

Creating new services for users on the basis of the Free Data Service of the National Diet Library (2019)

Dunkel, Christian

This paper aims at introducing new services developed by the East Asia Department of Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin for its users and the wider Asian Studies community in Germany over the past years. Based, amongst others, on the Free Data Service provided by the National Diet Library we have been incorporating bibliographical data from various sources into our search space to offer users a broader view on available resources. Materials that previously had to be looked up using different catalogues can now be located through this enlarged one-stop-search. Freely available electronic resources can be accessed directly through linking and printed material so far not in the collection of the library can now be requested by users through a patron-driven acquisition model. The paper will present the various stages of developing these new services, the technical system behind it, as well as the difficulties encountered on the way. It is hoped, that it might inspire others to make greater use of the resources provided by our colleagues in Japan to the benefit of the users of our libraries.

Historical research in the foreign ministry archives of Japan, Russia and Bulgaria (2019)

Dimitrov, Martin Milchev

The archives of the various state diplomatic institutions are crucial for conducting historical research related to international relations. As branches of acting state institutions, however, these archives tend to be organized and administrated by special rules, generally more restrictive than the average historical archive. This is especially true for materials related to the modern and contemporary periods.
The report presents the author’s experience in conducting such historical research in the foreign ministry archives of Japan, Bulgaria and the Russian Federation.

USC libraries' Japanese gender and sexuality cataloging and digitization project (2019)

Corbett, Rebecca
Hawkins, Joseph

While LGTBQ studies has not traditionally been an area that Japanese studies collections outside Japan have paid attention to, it is increasingly becoming an area of interest. By rethinking resources for Japanese studies to include historical and rare Japanese language LGTBQ materials we can open up new avenues of research in the field. This paper will give an overview of a project at the University of Southern California to catalog and digitize Japanese language materials held at ONE Archives, the oldest existing lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender organization in the United States, and the largest repository of LGBTQ materials in the world. It will also highlight how collaboration between institutions that are traditional strongholds of resources for Japanese studies, such as the USC East Asian Library, with institutions that are not known for their Japanese studies resources, such as ONE Archives, can be a successful way to rethink resources.

Japanese modern and contemporary literature resources at the French national library (2019)

Castel, Coralie

In this presentation, I would like to introduce the collections of the French national library in modern and contemporary literature. I would also like to share my reflections about what can be the role of a national library in this specific field, and how to meet the needs of today’s researchers.

E-globalization or E-localization in studying Japanese language (2018)

Zhivkova, Stella
Nikolova, Vyara

Japanese language is simultaneously distant and close thanks to the modern technologies.
Dissemination of a language and culture through the ages happens through numerous communication channels - manuscript and printed sources, oral and folk traditions, legends etc. On a local level in Bulgaria we observe various examples for dissemination of elements of Japanese culture through the new possibilities offered by the new technologies.

Research data management services for Japanese Studies in the library (2018)

Wagner, Cosima

The digital transformation of science and its implication for the development of library services is currently being discussed in the German academic library community. Especially research data management and the establishment of a National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) has been appointed as a central sphere of action. Though, the discussion on how to define research data within the respective academic disciplines and what kind of services is expected from the library at which stage of the research life cycle has only begun.

How to make uncatalogued Japanese collections accessible (2018)

Tsuda, Mayumi
Pedersen, Merete

This presentation is a modest report by two members who met at the EAJRS Oslo Conference in 2017, where we question how we at this stage should proceed in the future. Both Mayumi Tsuda and Merete Pedersen are worried about the increase in institutions that hold Japanese collections, but do not have any staff that understand Japanese.
