From hinagata to isho (2017)

Yamada McVey, Kuniko

Harvard-Yenching Library holds a few hundred volumes of Japanese design catalogs from the late Edo period to the early 20th century. These were originally called Hinagata, then Ishō, or Zuan in the modern era. Typical contents of traditional Hinagata include kimono patterns, architectural decorations, and details, weaving patterns. Many are hand-drawn in color. They were used for practical purposes, such as kimono merchants taking orders from clients. After the Meiji restoration in 1868 when Japan opened to the outside world, the new government promoted the export of Japanese craft goods such as pottery, lacquer ware, textiles to earn the currency necessary for building the modern nation. These goods were well received in Europe where "Japonisme" was already popular. Many designers for these craft goods were trained in Kyoto and publishers there produced color woodblock print design catalogs introducing these designers’ works

Abstract: Matsuda Yasuyo (2009)



Abstract: Hirai Shoichi (2009)

National Art Centre Tokyo
On The Japan Art Catalog (JAC) Project.


こうした資料を網羅的、体系的に収集するのは、日本の美術図書館にとっても長年の間、非常に困難な課題と位置づけられていたし、いわんやこれを海外で実現しようというのはまず不可能に近かった。こうした状況を打開するための取り組みとして1995年に設立されたのがJapan Art Catalog (JAC)プロジェクトである。JACは、海外からの入手が困難な日本の展覧会カタログを収集し、北米、欧州、大洋州のディポジトリー機関に送付するプロジェクトである。
