Introduction to the Database of pre-modern Japanese works (2017)

Masui Yūko
Komiyama Fumi
Sōda Fumiya

The objective of the “Project to Build an International Collaborative Researcher Network on Pre-modern Japanese Books” was inaugurated at the National Institute of Japanese Literature (NIJL) in 2014. We have continued to promote this project to the present day in cooperation with twenty domestic universities, as well as a number of universities and other institutions overseas.

How to search for information on the humanities in Japan (2017)

Murao Yuko

This presentation will introduce a variety of tools for utilizing information resources on the Internet as well as some important techniques for conducting research on the humanities in Japan by presenting examples of our reference services offered by the reference librarians who specialize in the humanities at the National Diet Library (NDL).

Improving JACAR’s search system (2017)

Mizusawa Hikari

Japan Center for Asian Historical Records (JACAR) is a digital archive of Asian historical records. JACAR has built and operates an online database for releasing Asian historical records concerning modern Japanese relations with other countries, particularly those in Asia. The documents of the archive are provided by the National Archives of Japan, the Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, and the National Institute for Defense Studies of the Ministry of Defense of Japan.

J-STAGE (2017)

Nakajima Ritsuko

J-STAGE, one of the largest online journal platforms in Japan is playing an important role in supporting scholarly publishing. Since the service started in 1999, it has been continuously growing and currently provides more than 2,000 journals with nearly 2 million articles. It covers many research categories not only basic science, technology, life science and medical science but also social science and humanity which are increasing rapidly these days.

The creation of an online database of pre-modern Japanese works (2017)

Tsuda Mayumi

This presentation will focus on my decision to publish the results of my survey of the kyōka surimono commissioned by Edo no Hananari in the form of an online database. Nearly all of the 80 surimono I have ascertained so far are in collections in the West with very few remaining in Japan. Considering the nature of this material, I decided that an online database would be more effective than a publication for communicating the results of my work widely across geographical boundaries and academic fields and for gathering further information.

The plan of the Lu Xun translation digital encyclopedia (2017)

Feng Haiying


Yamagiwa Collection (2017)

Noguchi Setsuko

The Yamagiwa collection, housed in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, was collected by Joseph K. Yamagiwa (1906-1968) who was a scholar of Japanese literature and language at the University of Michigan. The collection consists of two groups: rare books and reference books focused on language. While its rare books were well-selected by scholars, the collection has never been adequately recognized. This presentation will include a history, an overview of the collection, and a few highlights of its items.

The Shibusawa Eiichi denki shiryo digital version and Shibusawa Eiichi archive (2017)

Inoue Sayaka

Shibusawa Eiichi was a key figure in the establishment of a modern economic system in Japan and the Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation is dedicated to furthering his ideals in today’s world. Eiichi’s achievements were compiled in the Shibusawa Eiichi denki shiryo (Shibusawa Eiichi Biographical Materials), a 68 volume series (58 main volumes, 10 supplementary volumes), published between 1955 and 1971 that, even today, serves as the basis for research on Eiichi and modern Japanese history.

Data-driven collection analysis using the WorldCat search API (2017)

Sugiyama Yukari
Nakamura Haruko

While information technology has brought about significant improvement in development and dissemination of information and resources to library users, it has also made librarians’ activities easier and more effectively. For example, application program interface (API) allows them to perform some menial repetitive tasks in an automated way and facilitates data-driven decision making.
This presentation introduces a simple but effective method to analyze collective collections in the WorldCat database using OCLC Connexion and the WorldCat Search API.
